Results for 'Imperatoris Michaelis Palaeologi'

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  1. De yita sua.Imperatoris Michaelis Palaeologi - 1959 - Byzantion: Revue Internationale des Etudes Byzantines 29:447.
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  2. Imperatoris Michaelis Palaeologi de vita sua.Henri Gregoire - forthcoming - Byzantion.
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  3. Implicit ontological commitment.Michaelis Michael - 2008 - Philosophical Studies 141 (1):43 - 61.
    Quine’s general approach is to treat ontology as a matter of what a theory says there is. This turns ontology into a question of which existential statements are consequences of that theory. This approach is contrasted favourably with the view that takes ontological commitment as a relation to things. However within the broadly Quinean approach we can distinguish different accounts, differing as to the nature of the consequence relation best suited for determining those consequences. It is suggested that Quine’s own (...)
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    Facing inconsistency: Theories and our relations to them.Michaelis Michael - 2013 - Episteme 10 (4):351-367.
    Classical logic is explosive in the face of contradiction, yet we find ourselves using inconsistent theories. Mark Colyvan, one of the prominent advocates of the indispensability argument for realism about mathematical objects, suggests that such use can be garnered to develop an argument for commitment to inconsistent objects and, because of that, a paraconsistent underlying logic. I argue to the contrary that it is open to a classical logician to make distinctions, also needed by the paraconsistent logician, which allow a (...)
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    Verantwortung.Micha H. Werner - 2013 - In Armin Grunwald (ed.), Handbuch Technikethik. Stuttgart: Metzler. pp. 44-48.
    In der Technikethik spielt das Konzept der Verantwortung eine zentrale Rolle. ›Verantwortung‹ ist ein Basiskonzept, das, ähnlich wie die Konzepte ›Pflicht‹ oder ›Schuld‹, in vielfältigen Kontexten gebraucht wird. Dennoch lassen sich einige allgemeine Aussagen über seine Bedeutung treffen. Gerade Autoren, die im Bereich der Technik- und Wissenschaftsethik aktiv sind, haben sich nachdrücklich um eine Klärung des allgemeinen Verantwortungsbegriffs und seiner verschiedenen Aspekte und Gebrauchsweisen bemüht.
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    Modifications of EEG power spectra in mesial temporal lobe during n-back tasks of increasing difficulty. A sLORETA study.Claudio Imperatori, Benedetto Farina, Riccardo Brunetti, Valentina Gnoni, Elisa Testani, Maria I. Quintiliani, Claudia Del Gatto, Allegra Indraccolo, Anna Contardi, Anna M. Speranza & Giacomo Della Marca - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    Critical theory under the sign of Schopenhauer: A reconsideration of Horkheimer's interpretative debt.Loralea Michaelis - 2023 - Constellations 30 (4):431-444.
  8. P. Beauchamp e l'esegesi tipologica della Scrittura: Tradizione e modernità.Mario Imperatori - 2012 - Gregorianum 93 (1):23-45.
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  9. Ho anthrōpos kai ho kosmos.Kōnstantinos P. Michaēlidēs - 1967
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  10. Notes and news.Edward C. Michaelis - 1953 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 14:288.
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  11. De christi cognomine.Jacobi Palaeologi - 1973 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 19.
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    Leadership as relationship.Micha Popper - 2004 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 34 (2):107–125.
    The article reviews the various ramifications in the discussion on leadership, focusing on the view of leadership as relationships between leaders and followers. Three main types of leader-follower relations are discussed, and their specific characteristics are described: regressive relations, symbolic relations, and developmental relations. After analyzing the major implications, as well as the conceptual limitations, of these perspectives, the article suggests directions for a more integrative conceptualization of leader-follower relations.
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  13. Influencer-Centered Accounts of Manipulation.Micha H. Werner - 2024 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 27 (4):585-599.
    Advances in science and technology have added to our insights into the vulnerabilities of human agency as well as to the methods of exploiting them. This has raised the stakes for efforts to clarify the concept and ethics of manipulation. Among these efforts, Robert Noggle’s influencer-centered account of manipulation has been most significant. He defines manipulative acts as those whereby an agent intentionally influences a recipient’s attitudes so that they do not conform as closely as they otherwise would to the (...)
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    Followership, deity and leadership.Micha Popper - 2016 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 46 (2):211-228.
    Two questions are addressed in this article: 1. Why are people attracted to leaders? 2. How are leaders' images construed? The first question is analyzed by using the concept of “deity” as a frame of reference for an “ideal model” of leadership. God as a “screen of projections” can satisfy the believer's fundamental needs and desires, as well as serving as a reference for causal attributions and a provider of transcendental meaning. Using Construal Level Theory, deity, as a frame of (...)
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    Interiority and law: Bahya ibn Paquda and the concept of inner commandments.Omer Michaelis - 2023 - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
    Interiority and Law presents a groundbreaking reassessment of a medieval Jewish classic, Baḥya ibn Paquda's Guide to the Duties of the Hearts. Michaelis reads this work anew as a revolutionary intervention in Jewish law, or halakha. Overturning perceptions of Baḥya as the shaper of an ethical-religious form of life that exceeds halakha, Michaelis offers a pioneering historical and conceptual analysis of the category of "inner commandments" developed by Baḥya. Interiority and Law reveals that Baḥya's main effort revolved around (...)
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    Visual Complexity and Its Effects on Referring Expression Generation.Micha Elsner, Alasdair Clarke & Hannah Rohde - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (S4):940-973.
    Speakers’ perception of a visual scene influences the language they use to describe it—which objects they choose to mention and how they characterize the relationships between them. We show that visual complexity can either delay or facilitate description generation, depending on how much disambiguating information is required and how useful the scene's complexity can be in providing, for example, helpful landmarks. To do so, we measure speech onset times, eye gaze, and utterance content in a reference production experiment in which (...)
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  17. Über die Ansprüche Ungeborener und Unmündiger.Micha Brumlik - 1986 - In Wolfgang Kuhlmann & Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (eds.), Moralität und Sittlichkeit: das Problem Hegels und die Diskursethik. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    Manipulation and the Value of Rational Agency.Micha H. Werner - 2022 - In Christoph Horn & Robinson dos Santos (eds.), Kant’s Theory of Value. De Gruyter. pp. 241-262.
    Recent contributions to the philosophy of manipulation have challenged assumptions explicitly understood as “Kantian”; especially the assumption that the concept and the negative value of manipulation could be explained by regarding it as a subversion of rational agency. This paper examines Robert Noggle’s concerns about Kantian accounts of manipulation and confronts them with Kant’s considerations about the “moral illusion”. It argues that, while the original framework of transcendental idealism makes it hard to understand the value and vulnerability of rational agency, (...)
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  19. Redefreiheit, Digitalisierung und die Rolle der Philosophie.Micha Werner - 2024 - In Rainer Adolphi, Suzana Alpsancar, Susanne Hahn & Matthias Kettner (eds.), Philosophische Digitalisierungsforschung (I). Verantwortung, Verständigung, Vernunft, Macht. Bielefeld: transcript. pp. 155-196.
    The ongoing digital transformation of almost all areas of human action and agency calls for a readjustment of the norms that regulate these practices. For example, the digitisation of communicative practices poses new challenges to their functioning. This paper explains some of these challenges and argues that they cannot be met by a normative framework that focuses mainly on defensive (free speech and property) rights. In the context of mediated digital communication, the application of such a framework may even have (...)
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    Existenzialismus und Rechtswissenschaft.Anne L. Michaelis - 1958 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 19 (1):128-129.
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    La fonction gouvernementale et les actes de son exercice.Michaēl Dendias - 1936 - Paris,: E. de Boccard.
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    L'avenir de la liberté: Rousseau, Kant, Hegel.Michaël Foessel - 2017 - Paris: PUF.
    En 1789, la Révolution française met la liberté à l'ordre du jour. C'est un événement pour la philosophie qui, au siècle des Lumières, a activement participé à la critique du despotisme. C'est aussi un événement philosophique qui délivre à la pensée de nouveaux horizons où les maîtres-mots sont souveraineté politique du peuple et autonomie morale du sujet. De Rousseau, qui fait de la liberté le fondement de toute légitimité, à Hegel pour qui "l'esprit est liberté", en passant par Kant qui (...)
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    Modernité et sécularisation: Hans Blumenberg, Karl Löwith, Carl Schmitt, Leo Strauss.Michaël Foessel, Jean-François Kervégan & Myriam Revault D'Allonnes (eds.) - 2007 - Paris: CNRS.
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  24. La differenza sessuale tra fenomenologia e metafisica Edith Stein e Emanuel Lévinas.Mario Imperatori - 2009 - Gregorianum 90 (4):784-805.
    In the fluid cultural context of today, where the significance of sexual difference is continually diminished, if not completely denied , the encounter with the phenomenology of E. Stein and E. Levinas can be both stimulating and fruitful. Even though they have speculative perspectives that are very different and do not always reach the same conclusions, both authors agree that sexual difference and paternity and maternity connected with it, is not exclusively biological but also anthropological and philosophical. This significant convergence (...)
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  25. Trayectoria del estado moderno a la.Micha Levy & Marcos[From Old Catalog] - 1958 - Mexico,:
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    Binary Quantification Systems.Michaelis Michael & A. V. Townsend - 1995 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 36 (3):382-395.
    We investigate the formal theory of binary quantifiers, that is, quantifiers that take seriously the surface structure of natural language quantifier phrases. We show how to develop a natural deduction system for logics of this sort and demonstrate soundness and completeness results.
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  27. Philosophy in Mind.Michaelis Michael & John O'leary-Hawthorne - 1997 - Philosophical Quarterly 47 (188):386-389.
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    Platōn: logos kai mythos: eisagōgē stēn platōnikē philosophia.Kōstas P. Michaēlidēs - 1998 - Athēna: Ekdoseis Papadēma.
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  29. Problems with Lewis' argument for the identity theory.Michaelis Michael - 2012 - Ratio 26 (1):51-61.
    David Lewis presented a celebrated argument for the identity theory of mind. His argument has provided the model for the program of analytic functionalism. He argues from two premises, that mental states are analytically tied to their causal roles and that, contingently, there is never a need to explain any physical change by going outside the realm of the physical, to the conclusion that mental states are physical. I show that his argument is mistaken and that it trades on a (...)
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  30. Sur L'allégorie De La France Dans La Continuation Du Discours Des Misères De Ce Temps.A. Micha - 1958 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 20 (3):578-579.
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  31. The Consolations of Optimism.Michaelis Michael & Peter Caldwell - 2004 - In David Benatar (ed.), Life, Death, and Meaning: Key Philosophical Readings on the Big Questions. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
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    The Emergence of "History".Wu Micha - 2009 - Chinese Studies in History 42 (4):6-34.
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    XLIV. Cloud chamber observations of negative heavy mesons.E. G. Michaelis & B. W. Powell - 1956 - Philosophical Magazine 1 (5):441-449.
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    Einführung in die Ethik.Micha H. Werner - 2020 - Heidelberg, Germany: J.B. Metzler / Springer Nature.
    Open access-introduction into moral philosophy in German language that contains chapters on the concept of morality, on the development and the main positions of normative ethics, on meta-ethics, and on the various fields of applied ethics. One of its distinctive features is that it explicitly reflects on the role of morality and ethics in modern society and that it analyses the import of alternative conceptual and normative positions for determining this role. The book can be freely downloaded from the publisher's (...)
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    Index.Micha H. Werner, Robert Stern & Jens Peter Brune - 2017 - In Jens Peter Brune, Robert Stern & Micha H. Werner (eds.), Transcendental Arguments in Moral Theory. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 351-358.
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    Diskursethik als Maximenethik: Von der Prinzipienbegründung zur Handlungsorientierung.Micha H. Werner - 2003 - Würzburg, Germany: Königshausen & Neumann.
    The book introduces a conception of discourse ethics, an intersubjectivist version of Kantian ethics. Analysing contributions by Jürgen Habermas, Karl-Otto Apel, Wolfgang Kuhlmann, Albrecht Wellmer, Robert Alexy, Klaus Günther, Rainer Forst, Marcel Niquet and others, it reconstructs critical discussions of the justification of the principle of morality (Part I) and the various proposals for its application (Part II). It defends an alternative model of how discourse ethics can provide guidance in non-ideal circumstances and avoid both arbitrariness and rigorism.
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    Knowledge Ascription by Grammatical Construction.Laura A. Michaelis - 2011 - In John Bengson & Marc A. Moffett (eds.), Knowing How: Essays on Knowledge, Mind, and Action. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press USA. pp. 261.
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    Temporality and Revolution in Horkheimer's Early Critical Theory: A Luxemburgian Reading of Dämmerung.Loralea Michaelis - 2018 - Télos 2018 (185):129-148.
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    From Correlation to Causation: What Do We Need in the Historical Sciences?Michaelis Michael, Malte Ebach & Wendy Shaw - 2016 - Acta Biotheoretica 64 (3):241-262.
    Changes in the methodology of the historical sciences make them more vulnerable to unjustifiable speculations being passed off as scientific results. The integrity of historical science is in peril due the way speculative and often unexamined causal assumptions are being used to generate data and underpin the identification of correlations in such data. A step toward a solution is to distinguish between plausible and speculative assumptions that facilitate the inference from measured and observed data to causal claims. One way to (...)
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    On a “most telling” argument for paraconsistent logic.Michaelis Michael - 2016 - Synthese 193 (10).
    Priest and others have presented their “most telling” argument for paraconsistent logic: that only paraconsistent logics allow non-trivial inconsistent theories. This is a very prevalent argument; occurring as it does in the work of many relevant and more generally paraconsistent logicians. However this argument can be shown to be unsuccessful. There is a crucial ambiguity in the notion of non-triviality. Disambiguated the most telling reason for paraconsistent logics is either question-begging or mistaken. This highlights an important confusion about the role (...)
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  41. Cohens Kritik des Zionismus.Micha Brumlik - 2019 - In Eveline Goodman-Thau & George Y. Kohler (eds.), Nationalismus und Religion: Hermann Cohen zum 100. Todestag. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter.
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    Hegels Juden: Reformer, Sozialisten, Zionisten.Micha Brumlik - 2019 - Berlin: Neofelis Verlag.
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    Aristotle and Kant.Micha Brumlik - 2005 - In Wolfgang Edelstein & Gertrud Nunner-Winkler (eds.), Morality in context. Boston: Elsevier. pp. 137--57.
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    Poetry and Horseplay in Sidney's Defence of Poesie.Micha Lazarus - 2016 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 79 (1):149-182.
    The playful discussion of 'horsemanship' that opens Sir Philip Sidney's Defence of Poesie has been variously interpreted as a straightforward anecdote about the chivalric arts, or an oblique rhetorical flourish, or something in between. This essay suggests a new context for Sidney's exordium by focusing primarily on its affiliation to the genre of the 'Art of Poetry'. In Horace's Ars poetica and other classical, scholastic and Renaissance treatises, horse–men and other unnatural hybrids embody the tension between decorum and poetic liberty. (...)
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    A dissertation on the influence of opinions on language, and of language on opinions.Johann David Michaelis - 1769 - New York,: AMS Press.
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    Cubism, Perspective, Belief1.Michaelis Michael - 1994 - In Murray Michael & John O'Leary-Hawthorne (eds.), Philosophy in Mind: The Place of Philosophy in the Study of Mind. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 243--276.
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    Dummett’s argument against classical logic.Michaelis Michael - 1999 - Philosophia 27 (3-4):359-382.
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    Evolution by Natural Selection: Confidence, Evidence and The Gap.Michaelis Michael - 2015 - CRC Press.
    Is the theory of evolution by means of natural selection a tautology? This book explores the explanatory structure of Darwin’s theory at a time when selectionist explanations are being brought forward to explain a wider and wider range of phenomena.
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    Introduction: Philosophy in Mind.Michaelis Michael & John O'Leary-Hawthorne - 1994 - In Murray Michael & John O'Leary-Hawthorne (eds.), Philosophy in Mind: The Place of Philosophy in the Study of Mind. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 1--7.
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    The dialectics of scepticism: Comments on Gallois.Michaelis Michael - 1995 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 73 (1):123 – 128.
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